Published inTDS ArchiveComparing U.S. Presidents’ First YearsVisualizing news sentiment, most common words, and approval ratings for Bush, Obama, Trump, and BidenFeb 4, 2022372Feb 4, 2022372
Published inTDS ArchiveNYT Sentiment Analysis with TensorFlowNow that we are one year into the Biden Administration, I started to wonder how positive news coverage was during his first year in office…Jan 9, 202294Jan 9, 202294
Published inTDS ArchiveSpotify API and Audio FeaturesOne gal’s journey to make a playlist her mom can dance toSep 30, 20211273Sep 30, 20211273
Published inTDS ArchiveVisualizing Spotify Data with Python and TableauCreate a dynamic dashboard using your streaming data & Spotify’s APISep 16, 20217546Sep 16, 20217546
Published inTDS ArchivePython Virtual Environments & Jupyter NotebookUsing conda to create virtual environments and corresponding kernels in JupyterAug 5, 20211332Aug 5, 20211332
Published inTDS ArchiveHealthcare Prices? Fuhgeddaboudit!Insights from the NYC Public Hospital System’s Price ListsApr 25, 202122Apr 25, 202122
Published inTDS ArchiveAn Interactive Look at Healthcare Price Disparities in NYCThe Price is Too Damn High: Pt. 2Feb 15, 202186Feb 15, 202186
Published inTDS ArchivePutting the Pandemic into PerspectiveAddressing COVID-19 Misinformation Using Python Basics (and Critical Thinking)Dec 4, 2020611Dec 4, 2020611
Published inTDS ArchiveThe Price is Too Damn High: Part 1A look at submitted Medicare charges by state in 2017 and 2012Nov 19, 20207Nov 19, 20207
The Price is Too Damn High: A Multi-Part Analysis of Medicare ClaimsHealthcare prices in the United States are notoriously confusing and increasingly…too damn high (in homage to Jimmy McMillan). To put it…Oct 27, 20204Oct 27, 20204